The evolution of technologies for environmental monitoring is followed by the evolution of technologies for publishing and visualizing data online.
Oceanauta is always keeping up to date with this evolution to offer our clients the most advanced support in environmental monitoring technologies.
The development of networks to distribute and publish online data from several types of sensors is become common and is known worldwide as IoT (Internet of Things).
A network of this sort is being developed collaboratively by the The Things Network. It is through this community network that Oceanauta is able to transmit data from remote sensors and publish in websites, such as in the example that follows.
The graph below shows the water level in a reservoir in real time through an ultrasonic sensor that transmits data via LPWAN (Low Power Wide Area Network) long-distance radio with LoraWan technology. Once the data is received through the gateway, they are distributed in the internet through The Things Network.
Real time water level